Let's spread some holiday cheer!

Get into action!

We are asking for your donation to one or more of these amazing foundations. Let’s help spread some holiday cheer!

And please… Make it fun! 

Is a colleague going to place a gift under the tree or take a Christmas bauble from the tree? Then film this or take a nice picture of it with your phone and share it with us! You can chat, email or Whatsapp Lucinda Sparks, Lynn Sheikkariem or Mirjam Trommel. 

We want to use this material for our aftermovie!

The person(s) with the best photo or video will receive a present from us!

Stichting Jarige Job

Want to read more about this amazing foundation? Read our interview on Space.


Your donated gifts will be used in birthday boxes. The boxes include decorations, treats for school and some goodies for the visitors. Your donation will be added to this. However, there are some rules and guidelines to follow when it comes to buying a gift. Please read these carefully and keep them in mind. 

The gifts are intended for children aged 4 to 12, below are some gift tips:

  • 4-6 years: building blocks, toy cars, race cars, board games, clay, dolls, craft kits (brands: Cars, Hot Wheels, LEGO, UNO, Playdoh, Barbie, Jumbo, Hasbro, Totum).
  • 7-9 years: building blocks, race cars, action heroes, board games, craft kits (brands: Hasbro, LEGO, Playmobil, Jumbo, Totum, Barbie).
  • 10-12 years: craft kits, pencil cases, toiletry bags, board games, jewelery (brands: Top Model, Totum, Jumbo, Identity Games).

Guidelines for a gift

  • No gifts above € 20.00
  • Gifts are not wrapped
  • No gifts with batteries
  • Gifts are new and in the original packaging
  • The gift must fit in the birthday box and not fill half a box (box dimensions: 40x30x25 - lxwxh)
  • No toy guns
  • No seasonal items
  • No plush gifts such as cuddly toys due to hygiene
  • No fragile gifts due to transport
  • No books, markers and pencils due to regular supplier of the foundation

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